Our Method

Training Process

What does it take to empower someone? How can a young person be prepared to lead in ministry?

We believe there are four primary pieces needed to train and empower people: education, equipping, experience, and evaluation. When partnering with churches to empower their young people to live God’s Word, share His gospel, and serve His church, we seek to follow this holistic training process that is best done through authentic ministry.

In Luke 10 we see this process modeled by Jesus. He spent time preparing 72 disciples, He gave them specific instructions, He sent them out to gain ministry experience, and finally, Jesus evaluated their experience with them after they returned.


It is imperative that we disciple young people and help them understand the instructions in God’s word. Jesus did this when sending out the 72. He gave them instructions on how to interact with the people and communities they went to serve. Specific and general instructions are important as we strive for ministry that goes beyond any event. Our interactive training is designed to prepare people for leading in ministry through practical applications and relevant discussion.


After receiving education, young people need tools and time to prepare for their experience. Tools can be given to young people for use during and/or after the ministry experience. In addition, each person needs time to prepare and practice what they are learning. It is through repetition that confidence and competence grows. 


We believe that authentic ministry experiences set the tone for training resulting in long-lasting discipleship. Authentic ministry experiences have the following three traits: real, relational, and recurring.

  • Real ministry is focused on the Gospel and Jesus Christ being proclaimed.

  • Relational ministry is focused on drawing individuals into relationship with Jesus.

  • Recurring ministry means that what happens after the experience is more important than the experience.


There are three main questions we ask when evaluating a ministry experience and looking towards the future:

  • What did God do? This looks at glorifying God for the work He has done through the people He called.

  • What is God doing in my life? Focusing on how God is actively working in somebody’s life encourages them to see who God is and what He is doing with them.

  • Where is God taking me/us? Taking the experience and turning it into long-term action is imperative for making disciples. Both individuals and groups have an opportunity to learn how God is refining and leading them!